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2025 Spring Expansion

Seed St. Louis’ Vision and Mission

We envision a St. Louis Region with equitable access to fresh healthy food.

We pursue this vision by empowering people and communities to grow food.


Seed St. Louis charges in-network projects 25% of the material, tool, and soil cost. We do not charge for any staff time that is involved in meeting, consultation, design, transportation, installation, prebuilding any infrastructure, or labor. There is also no continuing cost or membership cost of any kind required for this process. The prices in the tables are the discounted prices. Do note that the prices for raised beds are based on current lumber prices needed for each bed, and the soil costs are based on delivery estimations. The price may change by a few dollars up or down.


Cost should not prevent a group from pursuing an expansion opportunity. We have funding for a limited number of scholarships to reduce the costs by an additional 50% or 90% based on need. Once the final plan is agreed upon you can then apply for a scholarship by emailing to request a scholarship application.


Applicants must be an established Seed St. Louis network community or youth garden that did NOT received an award the previous calendar year. For example if you received an award in 2024, you will NOT be eligible for an award in 2025.  A map of network gardens can be found in the link below:


Once confirmed, the installation will happen this spring. You will be sent a calendar to choose your own day/time. Seed St. Louis staff will work on site for three hours.


To be considered for the expansion award you must upload all the items bulleted below. Please note: gardens that received a Seed St. Louis expansion in 2024 are not eligible for 2025 expansions.


◻ This completed application, including the updated garden membership list included in the application

◻ For infrastructure or orchard requests (raised beds, picnic tables, benches, fruit trees, etc.) there must be a sketch or map of the space showing existing infrastructure and where requested infrastructure will go.

◻ A current lease or land use agreement, or letter of support from the land owner.

◻A scheduled appointment with a member of Seed St. Louis to discuss your application, the link is at the end.

**Expansion applications are processed, coordinated, and scheduled as they are submitted.**

APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 12. Questions? Email us at or call/text (636)614-1136.

This could include a Google Maps photo that shows locations of beds, trees, etc. if you don't have one drawn up.

This is required if you are adding any hardscape/permanent items.

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